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Canada 1.82%
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DE 0.55%
FL 42.99%
GA 4.92%
HI 0.18%
IA 0.18%
ID 0.18%
IL 2.73%
IN 0.91%
KS 0.55%
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LA 0.36%
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Male 84.15%
Female 15.85%

Age Range

Under 18 0.55%
18-30 8.49%
31-40 21.03%
41-50 26.01%
51-60 31.55%
61-70 10.52%
71+ 1.85%


5 or under 10.33%
6-10 14.02%
11-15 23.43%
16-20 21.96%
21-25 15.5%
26-30 7.56%
30 or higher 7.2%

Rounds of golf played in a golf season

15 or less 12.55%
16-30 21.22%
31-60 31%
61-100 19.19%
101-150 9.78%
151+ 6.27%

Type of facility played MOST OFTEN

Public 45.57%
Private 19.56%
Semi-Private 32.47%
Resort 2.4%

Household Income

Under $30,000 2.07%
$30,000 - $50,000 10.9%
$51,000 - $70,000 14.47%
$71,000 - $90,000 15.23%
$91,000 - $110,000 11.28%
Over $110,000 22.37%
Prefer not to answer 23.68%

Phone: (863)-227-2751 or (863)-294-2621
Email: joestine@floridagolfmagazine.com
Mail: Florida Golf Magazine
604 Country Lane NE, Winter Haven FL 33881