Fla. --- Kenny Nairn, the Scottish PGA Golf Professional who
was born in St. Andrews, Scotland and serves as chief operating
officer and executive vice president for Celebration Golf Management,
hasnt given up his golf clubs for the executive suite just
was the top finisher recently at the 2013 Wilson World Pro-Am
Tournament in Pebble Beach, open to teams consisting of three
amateurs and one club pro. The 72-hole team tournament scored
one low gross and one low net on each hole. The professionals
played a stableford format.
said, The tee shot on the 18th is one of the most difficult
on the golf course as the Pacific Ocean on the left and out of
bounds on the right. To top it off theres always lots of
tourist taking photos, so we were well photographed in our teams
coordinated attire.
posted a blistering 16-19-17-18 for 70 points total score and
first place ranking in the professional division. The Celebration
Golf team Rudy Arribas, Willis Milner, Brent St James and Nairn
placed third in the gross division. Nairn also won the tournament
in 2010.
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info: Kenny Nairn, Scottish PGA Golf Professional / COO &
EVP of Golf, Celebration Golf Management 407-566-1045 ext. 4604;
or email knairn@cgmgolfproperties.com